Whether at home or traveling, when you have a medical emergency, UCM’s Virtual ER app is there to help

The following is an email we received from a patient after she used the UCM Now mobile app to help her husband when he experienced a medical emergency:
I want to say this app is great! I was out of town with my husband and we decided to go out to eat. After dinner, I needed to stop at a store to run an errand. My husband asked to wait in the car because he did not feel well. I said sure, went into the store and got what I needed.
But, when I came out, he had welts all over his body, and his face, eyes, and throat were all swollen! So, I grabbed my cell phone, went to the UCMnow app and just pushed the phone number. They answered the phone right away, took my info, and one minute later, an emergency medical provider called us back.
After speaking with the provider, we determined that my husband was having an allergic reaction to shellfish that he’d eaten at dinner. The provider said she could call me in a prescription, but I was out of state and didn’t know where to go. I mentioned I was sitting in a Sam’s Club parking lot in Joplin, Missouri. She quickly confirmed the address of the Sam’s Club I was at, and called in a prescription and EpiPen to their pharmacy. By the time I hung up the phone and walked over to the pharmacy, they had my prescription ready for pick up. I went back to car, gave my husband his medicine, and then headed back for home.
It is awesome that no matter where you are you can use this app and get medicine that you need. And it helped save us from having to go to the ER and paying a big bill. I went back to work to tell all the employees how you can use this service even when out of town.
If you’re traveling and aren’t sure of the closest pharmacy, no need to worry — the UCM Now mobile app has geo location services to help you find nearby pharmacies. This feature appears within the app, provides a list of options, and makes it simple for you to choose your preferred pharmacy. The screencaps below were used by a patient on a work trip in Minneapolis and had a terrible earache that she needed addressed before getting on a flight. She was able to speak to a provider and pick up her prescriptions before heading to the airport.